Memento Tools

Last updated: March 5, 2020

The awesome-memento list also provides a list of apps, tools, libraries, and extensions that support Memento. This list is a work in progress.

Memento compatible client software:
  • For Chrome browsers: The Memento Time Travel extension that provides seamless navigation between the web of the present and the web of the past.
  • For FireFox browsers: The Memento Time Travel extension that provides seamless navigation between the web of the present and the web of the past.
  • For all browsers: The Time Travel Portal that supports discovering Mementos in a wide range of web archives and versioning systems.
  • For Chrome browsers: The Mink extension that displays the number of archived copies available for each page the user visits
  • For Chrome and FireFox browsers, the Find Mementos bookmarklet by the British Library.
  • For all browsers: The Find Mementos page developed by the British Library.
  • For systems that can run cURL: The mcurl command-line Memento client.
  • For Android devices: The Memento Browser, an app that allows you to time-travel on the Web.

Memento compatible server software:
  • For Web Archives:
  • For Apache servers: The SiteStory open source transactional archiving add-on that allows fine-grained archiving of the content served by an Apache server.

  • For MediaWiki servers:
    • The Memento Extension that turns any MediaWiki system into a self-contained Memento compliant server. With this extensions, a MediaWiki server provides all appropriate Memento HTTP headers and responds to datetime content negotiation requests issued by clients.
    • The Memento Headers Extension. With this extensions, a MediaWiki server provides all appropriate Memento HTTP headers. But, rather than responding itself to datetime content negotiation requests issued by clients, the MediaWiki server points at external Memento infrastructure that handles such requests. That infrastructure is a stand-alone TimeGate - operated by the Memento team - that interacts with a MediaWiki's version API.

  • For Version Control Systems:
    • The generic TimeGate server software that can readily be used alongside a system that has a bespoke version API. A minimal implementation effort is required to move towards supporting interoperable version access as specified in the Memento protocol.

  • For Linked Data applications:
  • For Local Aggregation of Memento results:
    • MemGator provides a command line interface and a server that researchers can use to aggregate results from multiple web archives as a local alternative to the Time Travel service
For server-side Memento development:
  • For version control systems: The generic TimeGate server software that can readily be used alongside a system that has a bespoke version API. A minimal implementation effort is required to move towards supporting interoperable version access as specified in the Memento protocol.
  • For Apache servers: A mod_rewrite/mod_header ruleset to be added to the Apache httpd.conf file that includes HTTP Link headers pointing at TimeGates for the server's resources.
  • The Memento Validator that checks compliance of HTTP responses from Original Resources, TimeGates, and Mementos with Memento's technical specification.
  • For systems that can run cURL: The mcurl command-line Memento client.
  • Various APIs exposed by the Time Travel service that make it easy to leverage Memento infrastructure.

For client-side Memento development:
To promote Memento:
  • A stencil for OmniGraffle that has the depictions for all types of resources used in Memento, e.g. Original Resource, Memento, TimeGate, etc. Available via Graffletopia, Stenciltown, and here.
  • The Memento logo (no rights strings attached) in various sizes and formats.